Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happiness, Anger, Sadness and Peaceful represented my life.( Anger's part))

Happy, Angry, Sad and Peace.
   I used to be very easy to get angry with anyone, Family, friends even the teachers of my high school.
I remember that there's once, I was arguing with my ex-principal, thus I was dropped out from the leadershipof kind of performances by her.
the reason why we had a quarrel was that I WAS BEING TOO CONFIDENT ON MY FACE DURING PERFROMING lol...I was really pissed off by what she said to me >,<

  Being confident is what a performer has to do. until now I still couldnt figure out what she meant TOO CONFIDENT ???
As a performer, the first thing we do when we are on the stage is to catch every one of the audiences' attention. So what I had done already caught her attention to me. So what was the point that she had been talking then ? I have no idea at all..
Do i look ugly, i guess so ;p

  Why am I talking about this topic suddenly, because I learnt it from my class today in the evening.
The lecturer said :" it doesnt matter what have you done in the process, because you have already achieved your goals.. Besides, if you want to chase your dreams, sometimes you gotta break the rules, right?

Ladies and gentlemans, Do not afraid of what people say and do to you, Do not feel ashame of what your dream is..
Try it and tell the world out loudly, Why cant I do it?!! and who the hell are you saying that I cannot ??
I used to be a rebellion,  uncontrollable, playful person. But now i have a chance to chase my dream and make it come true.. no mather how hard is it, how big the price is, I would never give up =]

 Anyway, what's wrong with rebellion or uncontrollable ?? I never smoke or take drug tho, its much better than others kkk... I just disagreed what they have done to others student, andI have my own idea of everything, it doesnt mean that you're my teacher or whoever, thus kills my idea and also my personality..:)

 Follow your heart and your mind, somehow we may be wrong, but we learn from mistake..
I know life isn't drawing, we dont have an eraser to erase what we have done to others..
But if we dont even try it, we won't know and how to be judged..
better kill me if you take off my freedom :)

 Whatever,  you are the master of your life and you judge your life :) That's all I want to say today :P
Tomorrow will be a cloudy day right ? ( praying) it has to be !!
Holeyyyyyy!!! GUYS, I GONNA RIDE A HORSE WITH MY BEST FRIENDS TOMORROW !!! Will be excellent fun!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011


刚开始听到这首歌时, 我世界停止了。
就站在ktv 房外,听听地听完然后若无其事地走开。



虚荣是什么? 物质上? 还是心灵
 人是贪心的,当你有了物质享受,沉沦,堕落。朋友, 派对, 酒, 赛车。
 这么吸引人, 这么华丽, 青春本该是疯狂的。


纯爱是脆弱而伟大的。至少心意是真的, 单纯喜欢也是真的。

我再也找不到那个味道。【人生若只如初见】 长大的代价, 重感情的人注定情伤。

虚荣,谁不虚荣?我们年轻, 有些东西明知道是错的,还是坚持。

开心最重要。 人生就要,开心得没时间伤心。
叛逆,天生反骨,有什么不好。虚荣,野心大, 又有什么关系?
做自己才最舒服, 放荡不羁,天生反骨又怎样。做我的朋友才不会无聊。
但是在公事面前有另一面是正常的。 公事私事永远不可混谈。
终于找到借口 趁着醉意上心头
寂寞渐浓 沉默留在舞池角落

谁任由谁放纵 谁会先让出自由
双脚悬空 在你冷酷热情间游走

你要的不是我 而是一种虚荣
有人疼 才显得多么出众

推开苍白的手 推开苍白的厮守
别再叫我 心软是最致命的脆弱

若爱只剩诱惑 只剩彼此忍受

直到那个时候 你在我的心中
将不再被歌颂 把你当作天后